Про журнал


Unpublished scientific, scientific-practical articles and reviews relevant to the subject of journal (the branch of social communications) are accepted for publication.

The total length of the article is 20—25 000 of characters, including charts, illustrations and references. Articles larger than the format suggest may be accepted for consideration on the basis of a decision of the Academic Council.

Articles can be written in Ukrainian, English.

Students, aspirants, postgraduates are obliged to add a review from their Academic adviser.

The author is responsible for content, accuracy of quotes, surnames and data. 

The article can be submitted by the author in person (print and electronic versions) or by e-mail to:  visnyk@ukrbook.net.

The list of highlights in typical scientific articles

1. The problem in general and its connection to important scientific or practical tasks.

2. Analysis of researches and publication, relevant to the subject of the article, selection of previously unresolved parts of issue, addressed by the text.

3. Formulation of the purpose of the article (statement of the task).

4. Presentation of main materials of the research with the full substantiation of the scientific results. 

5. Conclusions and prospects for further research.

Structure of the articles

Редакційна колегія

Рубрики журналу

Правила оформлення та подання статей

Приклади оформлення списків літератури

Політика редакції

Наші автори

Цікаві публікації

Покажчик статей, опублікованих
у журналі

Електронний "Вісник…"


1. Name of the rubric where the article will be placed (editorial office is able to change one at its own discretion).

2. UDK index (except articles for the "Review" subcategory).

3. Information about the author(s): full name, academic degree, full name of organization (place of study), address, telephone, e-mail, ORCID, if any, in Ukrainian and English.

4. Title first in Ukrainian and then in English.

5. Abstract (no less than 1800 characters) and keywords (8—10 words) in Ukrainian.

6. Text of article, written in accordance with the rules of creation scientific articles.

7. References, complied in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015.

8. Abstract (no less than 1800 characters) and keywords (8—10 words) in English.

9. References in English transliteration, complied in accordance with the International Standard APA (American Psychological Association). The References need to add the DOI sources, if any.

Requirements for the design of articles

The text should be written in Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.rtf extension).

Links to sources from the list of references in the text are indicated by a numeral (number) in square brackets, for example: [5]. When linking to several sources, they are written separated by: [1, 12], when specifying pages in the source, they are given separated by after the source number: [1, p. 20], on several sources with pages - after a semicolon: [1, p. 20; 3, p. 31].

Tables are placed in the text immediately after the paragraphs with a link to them. Each table should have a heading and an ordinal number (in Arabic numerals), and notes and footnotes should be placed under the tables.

Photos are placed in the text after the paragraphs with a link to them, and also submit separated files in the format *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.tiff with a camera resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Drawings (sketches, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, drawings, maps, etc.) in electronic form should be done in black and white or in shades of gray. The captions are typed separately from the figure and numbered them in Arabic numerals.Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the above requiems are not accepted for publication.

Protection of authors' personal data

By submitting the author's original of the article to the editor office, the author agrees to use his personal data for publication in the journal, as well as to post the article in the electronic version of the journal on the website of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine № 1111 "On Approval of the Procedure for Forming the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine".



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